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Toilets, Tunes & Triumphs – Najis Jadi Teman Premieres Soon!

Toilets, Tunes & Triumphs – Najis Jadi Teman Premieres Soon!

Celebrating the company’s 30-year journey in managing Malaysia’s wastewater with a splash, IWK is hosting a unique charity theatre production.

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Brace yourselves, folks! Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) is about to drop the most unexpected show of the year: “Najis Jadi Teman”. Yes, you read that right—sewage treatment is getting a standing ovation!

Celebrating the company’s 30-year journey in managing Malaysia’s wastewater with a splash, this unique charity theatre production isn’t just a performance; it’s an odyssey that plunges audiences into the often-overlooked world of sewage treatment. 

The Plot Unfurls Like a Clogged Drain

Najis Jadi Teman takes you on a wild ride through the sewers, where the real 💩 happens. It’s a tale of the 3D job—dirty, dangerous, and difficult—that remains vital for our health and the health of our planet. The inspiration for the play comes from the struggles and commitment of IWK’s operations team to keep our sanitation systems running without a hitch.

“But don’t worry,” assures IWK’s Head of Corporate Communications, Wan Esuriyanti Wan Ahmad, “The show won’t be smelly. It will be fun and full of music. Much of our work at IWK operates quietly behind the scenes, often unnoticed, yet it’s essential for public health and the environment. As the title suggests, Najis Jadi Teman is a metaphor highlighting the difficult work that IWK undertakes daily to manage an efficient and effective sewerage system.” The play promises to take audiences on an educational and entertaining journey, revealing how a sewage plant works.

“Najis Jadi Teman will certainly be a different adventure from what we are used to making in Wayang Kitchen. As our subject matter is no longer food but what comes after. Though, you can certainly expect food for thought,” said the show’s director, Razif Hashim, a seasoned maestro in the entertainment industry. He aims to create a performance that’s thought-provoking and entertaining. So expect an immersive experience with lots of song and dance!

Meet the Clean-Up Crew

(Credit: IWK)

The stage will shine with the talents of local singer-songwriter Atilia Haron, as well as, actors Phraveen Arikiah and Alfred Loh, who’ll take on the role of IWK plant managers. They’ll be complemented by young stars from Yayasan Chow Kit (YCK). Together, they’ll bring to life a narrative that’s not just about sewage but also delves into the cycle of life and our role within it.

And don’t be surprised if you’re handed a plunger at the door. Yes, you’re part of the action too! Audiences will step into the shoes of fresh recruits for IWK, experiencing their orientation on the first day and learning the ropes of how our sewage system works first-hand.

Join the Flush Mob

Circle the date: Najis Jadi Teman is set to make a splash on June 22, 2024, at IWK Eco Park @ Pantai Dalam. Tickets go on sale starting May 20, 2024, with all proceeds going to supporting YCK’s initiatives.

For a smooth ticketing experience, visit the Cloud Joi platform. To learn more about IWK’s journey, check out their website or follow their social media channels.

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