Selangor’s Guide To Survive The ‘Air-pocolypse’
If you’re facing water cuts in Selangor, visit Air Selangor’s website or download their mobile app for more details.
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There’s a Malay proverb that goes, “Sediakan payung sebelum hujan,” which means it’s best to have an umbrella ready before it rains.
Faced with what can be best described as a ‘seasonal’ water cut problem, the people of Selangor are, unfortunately, always ready for the eventuality that one of these days our pipes might run dry either due to pollution problems at our main water sources or from the maintenance works done by the water supply company.
Read More: Water Coming Back In Stages From 5:00 PM, Says Air Selangor
With their thinking caps buckets on the ready, here are some of the creative and even mad solutions Selangoreans have come up with to survive the ‘air-pocalypse’.
Stock up on supplies
In any disaster scenario, it’s always best to have a stockpile of essential supplies, just in case it runs out.
since covid takda sampai covid dah declare as endemic selangor still takda air 😂😂😂
— Syira Ahmad 💫 (@SyiiraAS) October 12, 2021
With water being a precious resource, Selangoreans are employing every method tin the book to store H20.
Cara mak simpan air. Pelbagaikan kegunaan kolam cucu 🤪 #kualalumpurbebasair #kualalumpurtakdeair #cityboys #citygirls
— Атира (@tiralokman) October 13, 2021
Am I
— Lavinia 🏴 (@lavinia_abirami) October 11, 2021
A. Hiding a body
B. Preparing for another @air_selangor water cut
C. Hiding two bodies
13 Oct 2021 – NRP3 – We do the best we can. Welcome to Day 1 of water supply disruption. So far so good. #watersupplydisruption @airselangor #pelanpemulihannegarafasa3 #nationalrecoveryplanphase3 #edzantheretiree #lifeofaretiree
— Edzan Nasir (@edzannasir) October 13, 2021
Life as a Selangorian 🙄 A must-have skill: find ways to store water! #selangor
— Carmen Ng (@yeelie163) October 13, 2021
Though I have vowed not to bath, brush my teeth, cook, wash dishes, defecate or wash clothes during the water cuts designed by the geniuses that govern us, I have decided to erect an installation art work dedicated to water & water containers titled “Water & Its Containers”.
— Sharaad C. Kuttan (@SharaadKuttan) October 12, 2021
Alas, there is little to nothing that we can do but hope to survive these dark dry times and pray for a miracle.
My stomach hurts so lets do a prayer circle yang air tangki cukup. F u air selangor
— Sarah Choong 🏴🏴 (@Sarah_Fadhil) October 13, 2021
Selangor people, u ok?
— Indra Gondi (@indragondi) October 13, 2021
Jokes aside though, if you’re not sure whether you’re area is affected by water disruptions or how long it’s going to take for supply to be restored, head on over to the Air Selangor website (HERE) or use the mobile app to get more details.
You can also get a list of locations where you can get water at public refilling stations by following the same steps.
Sehingga jam 3:00 petang ini, pecahan peratusan pemulihan bekalan air di lima (5) kawasan yang terjejas adalah seperti yang tertera.#AirSelangor #HentiTugas #HuluLangat0921
— Air Selangor (@air_selangor) September 29, 2021
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