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Man Claims No JPJeQ System At Padang Jawa Branch

Man Claims No JPJeQ System At Padang Jawa Branch

When he visited JPJ last Friday, he had to wait in line only to be told that the number had run out.

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When one wants to visit a government facility it is advisable to keep that day free just for the errand that one wishes to complete.

However, a Facebook user known as Ishak Ismail shared his experience of visiting the Road Transport Department (JPJ) last Friday to get the P licence for his child.

According to his post, it seems like he did not have a pleasant experience. This is due to the waiting period that he had to go through to get his queue number.

Apparently, the branch that he visited in Padang Jawa was still using the traditional way of distributing the token number which resulted in Ishak waiting in the long queue and going back home disappointed as he did not get the queue number.

“The best part is there’s a long queue from outside. I almost reached the stairs to go to the office, when a notice came out that the queue number had run out.

He stated that on Fridays, the queue number is only limited to 200 due to the shorter operating hours. Thus, he came back again this week on Wednesday and waited again to get the number and get the P licence done.

“Numbers on Fridays are limited to 200 due to shorter operating hours,” he stated in his post.

He also said that he was lucky since he is self-employed and does not work a 9 to 5 job, otherwise he would have to take the day off just to get the licence done.


However, what is surprising is that JPJ has an online system known as JPJeQ which makes it easier for people to get the queue number.

The online system was launched in the year 2021. Customers using the app will simply need to scan a QR code to get a queue number. Additionally, they will be able to see where they are in the queue and how long it will take them to reach the front of the counter, as reported by Paultan.

This can be downloaded as an application from Google Play Store for Android users and Apple App Store for iPhone users.

The question that should be asked is why the branch that Ishak visited did not offer this option to customers.

This system should be available at all branches of JPJ since it has already been two years since the launch of the application.

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