[Watch] Should Makeup Be Allowed In Schools For Special Events?
Students were told to wear traditional costumes to school to celebrate the Merdeka month and there was supposed to be a catwalk to show off their outfits.

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School rules are meant to maintain discipline and decorum, but they can also be irrational when it’s followed rigidly without sense.
A father of a schoolgirl recently expressed his disappointment at the way a teacher treated his daughter.
The father explained that there was a Merdeka Day celebration in school and students were encouraged to wear traditional outfits for a catwalk show.
His daughter Ammara, who is in Standard 2, excitedly wore a lehenga and applied light makeup on her face to complete the look.
The father and daughter also had a mini photo shoot at home to commemorate the good memory.
@shazliey1 pengamalan dan dugaan yang hebat buat anak papa… Nur Ammara Keysha.. #ammarakeysha #fyppp #fypã‚· ♬ Instrumen Sedih – Yuda pratama
However, the joy was short-lived when she arrived at school and was stopped at the school gate by a teacher.
The teacher allegedly scolded Ammara and said no makeup was allowed in school. She proceeded to wipe away Ammara’s makeup.
This happened in front of Ammara’s peers and she was understandably upset and embarrassed.
Fortunately for her, her classmates tried their best to console and support her.
Were parents informed?
Ammara’s father claimed that parents weren’t informed that makeup wasn’t allowed for the event in the school’s Whatsapp group. They were only told students had to wear traditional costumes in conjunction with the Merdeka month.
The father tried to reason with the teacher as he found her approach was wrong. While their speech was inaudible in the video, the teacher could be seen aggressively pointing at the father while speaking to him.
The teacher allegedly blamed the other teachers for not informing parents that students weren’t allowed to wear makeup in school.
Ammara’s mother said the headmistress and the other teachers had no issues with students wearing makeup on that day. They were also shocked by the teacher’s reaction.
The issue was settled after a meeting between the parents and the school. Ammara’s father said he had forgiven the teacher and advised everyone to do the same.
He implored the public to stop criticising the teacher and to take this incident as a lesson.
@shazliey1 Bismillah hirahman nirahim.. semoga dengan video ini akan dapat menjawab persoalan yang ada. jom kita positif.. terima kasih rakyat Malaysia.. #bajukemerdekaananak #ammarakeysha #cikgudanmurid #budakdarjahdua #modelcilik #jompositif #fyp #fypã‚· #fypã‚·ã‚šviral ♬ Instrumen Sedih – Yuda pratama
Who is right? The teacher or the father?
Netizens who agreed with the father said makeup is usually allowed in school for special events such as concerts and celebrations like Merdeka Day celebrations.
Those who had positive experiences during their schooling times echoed the same sentiments. They could not understand the teacher’s reaction to Ammara’s light makeup.
On the other hand, some netizens insisted that makeup was never allowed in school and believed the teacher was right.
People also pointed out that the teacher could have politely told the girl to go home and change or take her somewhere private to help her remove the makeup.
Regardless, the incident showed that while rules are there for a reason, it’s better to heed them with some sense and allow flexibility for special school occasions. It was supposed to be a fun and celebratory day in school after all.
Are we not seeing the same video? The teacher could have took the kid someone else to explain and help clean the makeup. Why put the kid through such experience? So unnecessary.
— 🍓 (@gniwoem) August 27, 2023
Kau tengok budak tu punya make up sekilas pandang pun kau dah tau make up tu light, just nak bagi budak tu seri dengan attire dia, sorry to say, either hati kau memang busuk atau kau mental illness siap nak lap make up budak tu bagai, kalau betul kau xsuka kau suruh la dia balik,…
— Zubir Awam Hamid (@BearHamid) August 27, 2023
Benda ni atas sekolah sebenarnya. Sekolah anak saya, kalau ada event², okay je makeup². I do even pegi sekolah pepagi tolong makeupkan dan siapkan bebudak. Bab camni patut cikgu kena bagi notice awal. And eventho tak boleh pun, boleh cakap elok2 kat parents and budak tu.
— d_n0112🔥🏴☠️ (@d_n0112) August 27, 2023
Kalau masa persekolahan biasa mmg tak boleh..yg ni majlis sekolah …tak salah nk makup pun ..bila cikgu tu buat macam tu akan mengaibkan & buatkan murid tu trauma…dah la jari pun tertunjuk2 macam gengstr
— Prince Yoshiro (@Cool_Wannabe82) August 27, 2023
Benda event. Selalu pon tak boleh pakai sari gi sekolah. Tapi dah event so cikgu benarkan sebab nak meriah. So apa masalahnya kalau let go je hal mekap tu. Apa ilmu mantul ke kalau bermekap. Cikgu2 macam bunuh keyakinan diri and semangat student.
— voodoo (@aliah_othman) August 27, 2023
Masing2 salah. Papa seharusnya lebih peka tntg peraturan. Cikgu pula sepatutnya bagila kelonggaran SEHARI utk anak murid merasa happy excited nak sambut merdeka di sekolah. Jgnlah bunuh jiwa budak. Membebel mcm budak tu buat salah teruk sgt. Tolerable la sikit.
— Tyra Yusoff (@TyraYusoff) August 27, 2023
Memang lah rule, tapi sebagai manusia perlu ada common sense juga
— LukariRinki404 (@LukariRinki404) August 28, 2023
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