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Tsutaya Books Bukit Jalil Expresses Disappointment Over The Mistreatment Of Unwrapped Books

Tsutaya Books Bukit Jalil Expresses Disappointment Over The Mistreatment Of Unwrapped Books

The bookstore also asked that those with “itchy hands” stop ruining what does not belong to them.

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In an era where digital media dominates the realm of literature, there’s something truly magical about the experience of flipping through the pages of a physical book. 

The nostalgia of the “new book smell,” the tactile sensation of running your fingers along the printed words, and the joy of discovering a hidden gem on the shelves — these are the elements that make bookstores so special. 

Tsutaya Books, renowned for its unique approach to the world of literature, has been a proponent of this enchanting experience since its inception. 

However, recent challenges have forced them to make an unfortunate decision that is both saddening and disappointing to book lovers.

When Tsutaya Books first opened their doors in Southeast Asia last July, their vision mirrored that of their Japanese counterparts — books were unwrapped, inviting customers to immerse themselves in the beauty of the written word. 

The display of neatly lined shelves adorned with unencumbered books was a sight to behold, reminiscent of a bygone era. 

The warmth and charm exuded by such a setting were truly unique.

Yet, with each subsequent visit, patrons may have noticed a growing number of books wrapped in clear film. 

This shift in practice has not been by choice, but out of necessity. 

In a Facebook post, Tsutaya Books Bukit Jalil bemoaned the countless instances of deliberate damage inflicted upon the books. 

As book lovers, it really saddens us to do this but we have had no choice. Through the months, our staff have put aside mountains of books that have been damaged, intentionally – with pages ripped, covers torn, children’s pop-up books that no longer “pop-up”. It’s both sad and disappointing. 

Tsutaya Books Bukit Jalil

According to the post, the decision to wrap books in protective film was made to safeguard them from further harm, despite it going against Tsutaya Books’ core values. 

Nevertheless, the bookstore also added that their mission was not simply to sell books but to cultivate a love for reading and promote literacy within society. 

They hope to restore this tradition, not only within their own store but across all bookstores and libraries.

And we do have hope to restore this tradition of TSUTAYA BOOKS with your kind cooperation. Though we are not a library, our societal role as a bookstore is to encourage reading and promote literacy. 

Tsutaya Books Bukit Jalil

To achieve this vision, Tsutaya Books humbly requests the cooperation of their valued customers.

For now, should you wish to flip through a book that’s been sealed, please do ask any of our sales associates to assist you – they’d be happy to do so. Do handle books with care. 

Tsutaya Books Bukit Jalil

They also pointed out that unfortunately, there will always be individuals with “itchy hands” who feel the need to deface what does not belong to them. 

Tsutaya Books implored such individuals to reconsider their actions, reminding them that it is unkind and disrespectful to damage or deface books that are meant to be enjoyed by all. 

With your help, we do hope to free our books of being imprisoned in plastic (cringe) wrapping. Not just at our bookstore, but at all bookstores – and libraries too, for that matter. Thank you for reading to the end. Just a little reminder that #bookshavefeelings 

Tsutaya Books Bukit Jalil

By working together, Tsutaya Books added that it and its patrons can create an environment where books are freed from their plastic prisons. 

Together, let us protect and celebrate the joy of reading, allowing books to fulfill their purpose as gateways to knowledge, imagination, and endless wonder.

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