Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s Daughter Nurul Hidayah Gets Flak For Posting A Stranger’s Picture Without Hijab In Mecca
The eldest daughter of UMNO’s president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi posted a picture of the backside of the hijab-less woman sitting in a café in Zamzam tower on her Instagram.

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Datuk Nurul Hidayah Ahmad Zahid’s decision to post a picture of a woman without her headscarf in a Starbucks in Mecca drew criticism from the netizens who question why she felt the need to disgrace others when performing Haj.
The eldest daughter of UMNO President Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi posted the picture with the caption “Insulting Islam?”
She also wrote that she was unsure whether the woman is a Muslim or otherwise, saying that she was unsure whether non-Muslims are allowed in Mecca since Saudi Arabia introduce the “Tourist Visa”.
Nurul Hidayah said that she intended to go and ask the blonde woman, presumably why she took off her hijab but was stopped by her husband.
She ended the post by reminding her followers that doomsday is upon us.
Reacting to the post, an Instagram user commented hoping that Nurul Hidayah to combat graft in Malaysia, saying that this is too an indication that the end of days is nearing.
Nurul Hidayah replied to the comment by saying that graft, slander and usury (riba) is rampant these days that they can be battled by one or two person alone, adding that it is better for one to repent rather than to look at other’s fault.
This prompted netizens to troll Nurul Hidayah as the irony was not lost with them, condemning Nurul Hidayah’s act of posting the picture without the woman’s consent.
Gitu kan akhir zaman.. dah memang saudi arabia benarkan wanita bukak hijab, al azhar pon. Hijab kecoh, pecah amanah dan kemungkaran melibatkan politik dan salah guna kuasa kau kesah tak? 😕 pic.twitter.com/2i1b9htKWg
— Terrytidur 💤 (no headspace – resting) (@ConferWithTerry) July 18, 2022
Twitter user Eida Sharif sarcastically said that is a very ‘Muslimah’ act by Nurul Hidayah to highlight the woman’s supposed wrongdoing on social media, while courting followers to “witch hunt” the unidentified woman.
membuka aib dengan tangkap gambar individu lain dan paparkan dalam akaun social media sendiri dengan tujuan menghighlight perlakuan mengumpan followers untuk witch hunt individu tersebut – sangatlah muslimah perbuatan ity
— Eida Sharif (@dytiaaurinh) July 18, 2022
Another Twitter user A A points out that posting the woman’s picture only exposes her aurat to more people.
Tulaa could be mualaf yg x biasa berhijab. Point nya x prlu disebarkan lgi aurat org tu pd lebih ramai org. Apatah lagi medsos ni. Nasib dia x tegur sbb English dia pon berterabur.
— A A (@qieynes) July 18, 2022
There are also those who said that the woman is just enjoying her meal and Nurul Hidayah should have left her alone.
Kalau betul pun perempuan tu Muslim & bukak aurat, apa hak kita ambil gambar dan sebarkan ke socmed pulak auratnya tu? Tak paham la orang macam ni 🤦🏻♀️
— Sarah Hills #AttackOnCovid19 🇲🇾 (@marukewl) July 18, 2022
Boleh jadi dia baru masuk islm, rmai je yg muallaf still belajar nk pakai tudung, kot rasa panas lagi nk pakai tudung. Dia sempurna ke ehh? mmg geram. Terpaling betull
— Hehe (@cantbemid_) July 18, 2022
While it was not immediately clear whether the woman in the picture is Muslim or not, the wearing of hijab or any other form of head covering is not required in Saudi Arabia since 2019.
This is part of social reforms pushed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler.
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