Mydin Boss Criticised Over Extra Holiday Remarks, Netizens Spare A Thought For Its Social Media Admin
With Mydin’s CEO talking about alleged losses for a day because of the sudden public holiday, some netizens are thinking about its social media admin.

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Recently, the news of our extra public holiday made by the Prime Minister had us all in a happy Raya mood.
READ MORE: [Updated] Anwar Announces Extra Public Holiday And 4 Days Of Free Tolls For Raya
READ MORE: Still Confused How Many Off Days We Get For Raya? Here’s An Explainer
But, of course, as usual, not everyone will benefit from this last-minute announcement of public holidays as businesses will suffer some losses.

One such business is Mydin. Besides being known for its cheap and wholesale product prices, Mydin is also popular because of its funny and cheeky social media administrator.
The admin would always hop on the latest trend or news and react to it with slick commentaries that will in turn be an effective marketing technique.
One of which is this.
The uniquely cheeky Mydin Twitter account posted a meme about cashiers having to work even though it’s a long weekend.
Jumaat cuti ✅
— MYDIN (@MydinMalaysia) April 18, 2023
Isnin cuti ✅
Cashier Mydin:
But Mydin’s CEO said they’ll bear losses because of the holiday
In a recent interview by Astro Awani with Mydin’s CEO, Datuk Ameer Ali Mydin, he said that the announcement will make a lot of businesses suffer losses.
He gave an example that Mydin stood to lose RM500,000 due to the last minute holiday announcement, which could have been channelled into the Rahmah Menu initiative.
Pengarah Urusan Mydin Mohamed Holdings Bhd., Datuk Ameer Ali Mydin berkata pengumuman cuti khas oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim di saat akhir telah menyebabkan banyak perniagaan menanggung kerugian. #AWANInews #AgendaAWANI
— 🇲🇾Astro AWANI🇲🇾 (@501Awani) April 18, 2023
Netizens don’t agree
However, a lot of people do not agree with Mydin’s CEO. Some of them think that he is only complaining because he has to pay double wages for his workers or grant them paid leaves.
Rugi sebab kena bayar cuti bergaji atau double pay bagi yang bekerja hari Jumaat dan Isnin. Tu je dia nak komplen sebenarnya.
— Afiq #NeedAHoliday (@A_Hxrrxz) April 19, 2023
Bukan pasal jualan. Sebab orang tetap beli barang makanan lebih banyak waktu raya.
Some of them even said that he only wants to talk about losses, what about his profit on other days?
tak payah la nak kecoh rugi sgt, keuntungan berlipat kali ganda, setakat sehari je ko tutup or 4 hari je untuk hari raya, ximpact sgt la. setahun keuntungan bersih brapa? lain la company mydin rugi -100 juta setahun smpai xmampu nak baya gaji pekerja tu lain la cite.
— Izudin | 🇲🇾 Real Estate (@izudinrealtors) April 18, 2023
Boss boss memang tak suka cuti umum ni. Faham faham je la kenapa 😜
— 🏴🏴🏴 (@braindrainbb) April 18, 2023
Rugi kau sehari boleh cover dgn untung kau dlm kurang seminggu.
— Afiq Azni (@afiqazni) April 18, 2023
Bila fokuskan kpd yg hilang daripada yg diraih, semuanya jadi buta.
Memang mudah mengulas.
As a lot of people are disagreeing with Mydin CEO’s statement, some of them even targeted Mydin’s active social media admin, asking for his reaction to the situation.
the replies to this tweet exposing how Mydin is manipulating and taking advantage of its employees is not surprising cause this is how the rich stay rich – by exploiting those below them. mana admin Mydin yang active sangat tu takde nak reply pulak?
— Zee Zaki (@_zxezki) April 19, 2023
Somebody is in the hot seat right now…
You could say that the social media admin is in a little pickle right now. Let’s pray for their wellbeing. 🤞🏼
Dude being cancelled in just a day after all his mydin page admin hard work
— Orpheus #freePalestine🇵🇸 (@AkuBukanHipster) April 19, 2023
I know admin mydin tengah buntu fikir memes apa yang boleh redakan kemarahan nurtizen.
— Garina Mamba (@evvok) April 19, 2023
Admin Mydin lepas dengar statement dari bos
— mStar Online (@mstaronline) April 19, 2023
Fail takes, susah2 admin @MydinMalaysia naikkan nama Mydin last2 menjunam masuk gaung…
— ابو راقيب 🪐 (@Putera_Sains) April 19, 2023
Pening admin mydin nak pikir point bekap isu bos dia rini. Takkan nak suruh menari lagi.
— 🏳️🌈TeamRayaAnakYatim🏳️🌈 (@meinmokhtar) April 19, 2023
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