Your Covid-19 Special Assistance Payments Will Resume On 6 September
Financial institutions involved have received the funds today and are expected to disburse it all by 10 September.
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Prime MInister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob after his virtual Cabinet meeting today (1 September) addressed the delayed payment of the Covid-19 Special Assistance (BKC).
He said in a media statement that he has ordered the Finance Ministry to expedite the BKC funds.
A total of RM3.1 billion has been forwarded to banking institutions that are involved.
The phase 1 of BKC is expected to benefit 10 million Malaysians which includes the hardcore poor, B40, M40, and singles who are qualified.
Payments for phase 1 of BKC will begin on 6 September and are expected to be fully disbursed on 10 September.
The BKC was announced as a part of the RM150 Billion PEMULIH recovery plan on 28 June.
READ MORE: Prime Minister Announces RM150 Billion PEMULIH Recovery Plan
Those Who Will Receive BKC:
Hardcore poor and B40
Based on Bantuan Prihatin Rakyat (BPR) 2021 qualifications with total income of:
- RM5,000 for households.
- RM2,500 for singles.
Those who report their income tax with a total income of:
- RM5,001 to RM9,000 for households.
- RM2,501 to RM5,000 for singles.
New BKC Payment Schedule:
Hardcore poor
- Households – RM1,300
- Phase 1: RM500
- Phase 2: RM500
- Phase 3: RM300
- Elderly/alone – RM500
- Phase 1: RM200
- Phase 2: RM300
- Singles – RM500
- Phase 1: RM200
- Phase 2: RM300
- Households – RM800
- Phase 1: RM 500
- Phase 2: RM 300
- Elderly/alone – RM200
- Phase 1: RM200
- Singles – RM200
- Phase 1: RM200
- Households – RM250
- Phase 1: RM 250
- Elderly/alone – RM100
- Phase 1: RM100
- Singles – RM100
- Phase 1: RM100
However, the Prime Minister did not announce the exact dates for BKC Phase 2 and 3 payments.
You can find the original statement from the Prime Minister’s Office, here.
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