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How Many Instant Noodle Servings Did Malaysians Whip Up In 2023?

How Many Instant Noodle Servings Did Malaysians Whip Up In 2023?

Malaysia has ranked 13th worldwide for instant noodles consumption.

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If there was a list of comfort foods for Malaysians, pretty sure instant noodles is in many of our comfort food list. It’s easy, cheap and available almost anywhere.

But did you know we love it so much that Malaysia ranked 13th worldwide for instant noodles consumption with 1.64 billion servings in 2023, according to the World Instant Noodle Association (WINA)?

This is a significant increase compared to 2022 with 1.55 billion servings.

Curry & Tomyam

According to WINA, the favourite flavours of instant noodles are different for each country.

For example, Indonesia prefers fried instant noodles without sauce. No surprises there considering they gave the world Indomee.

In Malaysia, people prefer instant noodles that have a thick sauce flavoured with spices such as curry and tomyam.

Pic for illustration purposes only
Pic credit: Freepik

In addition, Malaysians also love fried instant noodles cooked with sweet soy sauce and chili paste. Often, you can see customers ordering this dish at mamak restaurants.

Because Malaysia consists of Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists, pork and beef-based instant noodle soups are not as popular here.

Pic for illustration purposes only
Pic credit: Che Nom

Flavours based on seafood and vegetables are the main choice of the local community.

Instant Noodles And Asia

Through the same report, it was found that instant noodles are more popular in Asian countries.

In first place is China and Hong Kong, which recorded 42.2 billion servings.

Indonesia is in second place with 14.54 billion.

Vietnam is ranked 4th with 8.13 billion with the favourite flavour being Tom ChuaCay, a mixture of shrimp and acidic flavours.

Next is Japan in 5th place (5.84 billion), South Korea 8th (4.04 billion) and Thailand 9th (3.95 billion).

Pic for illustration purposes only
Pic credit: Pexels

There is no denying that instant noodles are delicious and easy to prepare. Dishes that can be cooked in less than 5 minutes are very suitable for working individuals who are always busy throughout the day.

Convenience stores or grocery stores also sell instant noodles in the form of cups that are easy to take anywhere.

Even so, you are advised to control the consumption of instant noodles in your daily routine because it can affect your health in the long term.

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