Local Teacher Faces Threats Of Expulsion And Demotion For Speaking Up For Students
The Education Ministry allegedly accused Mohd Fadli Salleh of violating the code of conduct and plans to mete out disciplinary action.

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There are teachers who care for their students’ well-being and would put in the work to make sure their students are properly educated.
However, it’s increasingly hard to do so when their suggestions of improvement fall on deaf ears and they are met with lots of red tapes.
Unfortunately, a local school teacher who spoke the truth faced threats of expulsion and demotion from the Education Ministry.
Mohd Fadli Salleh has spoken up about various issues plaguing local students and schools.
Some of the issues he highlighted were:
- Heavy school bags
- A school syllabus that’s way above a student’s level.
- Too many students in a classroom for a single teacher to manage.
- Students have to study too many subjects.
- On top of that, the learning time for each subject is insufficient, especially for Mathematics.
- ‘Little Napoleans’ are in the education ministry destroying the education system.
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Mohd Fadli explained that he has tried conveying these complaints through the proper channels.
He even voiced these issues in one of the official meetings regarding changing the school syllabus, which was attended by officers in the education ministry.
For speaking the truth, he has been forced to transfer schools too.
Senior Education Minister has reached out to him
Based on the letter he received from the Education Ministry, Mohd Fadli is allegedly accused of violating the code of conduct and will face disciplinary action.
The punishment is either getting fired or demoted under Regulation 37, Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline) Regulations 1993.
Under this rule, he’s also allowed to submit his representation in reply to the charge brought against him within 21 days from the date of receipt of the charge.
Based on his Facebook post, Mohd Fadli has chosen his representation and hoped that he would win the case.
He added that the Senior Education Minister Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin has finally gotten in touch with him to discuss the matter when the issue blew up online and went viral.
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