[WATCH] Datuk Vida Calls #BenderaPutih Lazy While Breaking SOP
Her comments were so tasteless her mask ran away.

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In reply to a comment asking for food aid, cosmetic millionaire Datuk Seri Hasmiza Othman (aka Datuk Seri Vida or DSV) shot a video belittling those who wave the #BenderaPutih.
Not only that, but did so while not following the SOP and wearing her mask on her hair-bun instead of her face.
READ MORE: “Bendera Putih” Movement Going Viral As Malaysians Try To Reach To Those In Need
The commentator asks: “Datuk, I would like to ask for food donations. Since the MCO, many have had their incomes affected. And we need money to buy milk and diapers for our babies.”
Her reply
Kibar bendera putih = pemalas + hanya harap bantuan orang lain + tak berusaha pic.twitter.com/90TFnqs6ke
— Megat 🏴 (@pedoqpop) July 5, 2021
In response, DSV shot a video and began by telling the mother in her comment that MCO is not an excuse not to make money to buy milk and diapers for her baby.
She then proceeds to talk to a man who has been selling food in front of his home for the past year and makes about RM200 to RM250 a day.
“As long as you have the will and put an effort into it,” says DSV before praising the cleanliness of the stall.
“Put an effort into it. Don’t be lazy and expect help from waiving the #BenderaPutih,” she added while shooing the audience away.
Where is your mask, woman?
While, the stall owner and his wife had the sense to wear face coverings and keep their physical distance following the SOP, DSV did not.
Her matching leopard print mask can be seen wrapped around the bun of her hair, early in the video and disappeared soon after.
The comments
As the white flag movement is a “by Malaysians for Malaysians” movement done in the spirit of #KitaJagaKita, no one took kindly to DVS’s comments.
One commenter began by pointing out that her own father worked hard for the family and reminded DSV not to belittle the poor.
Ayah saya berhenti kerja dah, usaha smpai sakit pinggang, nak bongkok badan pun dah tak lepas, nak ambil barang kat bawah tak boleh kesan meniaga kuat sangat dari muda. Niaga roti canai, nasi dagang, nasi lemak, nasi minyak. Janganlah hina orang miskin macam tu.
— cik abc (@omnomo97) July 5, 2021
Another said that DSV is living in her own delusions.
Hidup dalam dunia sendiri…tiada perasaan….beku
— SHAHRUL ANUAR (@nuargali) July 5, 2021
One even call for the police to issue a compound to DSV for not wearing a mask in a public space.
Haluu @PDRMsia tlg bg dia saman tak pakai mask kt tempat awam.
— Adam🕵🏻♂️ (@4dammm) July 5, 2021
If you want to be better than DSV and help those in need or in need of aid yourself, we have written a guide that may help you.
READ MORE: Want To Get Or Give #BenderaPutih Aid? Check Here
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