US Death Toll To Reach 135,000 By August, Says Research Centre
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The death toll in the United States of America (US) is expected to reach 135,000 by August, according to a prediction model from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington.
The numbers were projected based on the actions taken by the states in the US who are beginning to relax on social distancing measures and allowing Americans to move freely again.
Currently, the US has around 1.2 million confirmed coronavirus infections resulting in more than 70,000 deaths nationwide with the death toll reaching 2,000 per day over the past week.
Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump is disbanding the Covid-19 team which includes world-renowned health expert Dr Anthony Fauci to restart the country’s economy.
This is despite health officials urging not to do so as the virus may spread when businesses begin to reopen.
Headstrong on the decision to kickstart the country, Trump said Americans must go back to their daily lives even if it may lead them to their deaths.
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Unkempt in both stories and appearance, Hakim loves tech but tech left him on read, previously he used to write about tall buildings and unoccupied spaces that he can't afford, and legend has it that he still can't afford it to this day