Container Boy Fahim Goes Home To Family In Bangladesh
Fahim was looked after by the Chow Kit Foundation during his stay here.

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Remember the boy who found himself locked in a shipping container in Bangladesh and travelled all the way here?
He’s healthy and is heading home to his family.
Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said Md Ratul Islam Fahim had received treatment at the Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital after he was rescued on 17 January.
At the time, he had been stuck in the container for 6 days without food and water as the ship left the Chittagong Port for Malaysia.
The ship, MV Integra, sailed from Chittagong on 12 January for West Port, Klang.
Fahim was found by a dock worker after he heard a knocking sound inside the empty container. Due to the sound of knocking, the six containers that arrived at the port were brought down and inspected one by one by government agencies including the Marine Police Force, the Malaysian Immigration Department (Immigration) and the Klang District Health Department.
This was when they discovered Fahim in a weak state.
After being discharged, Saifuddin said Fahim was placed at the Chow Kit Foundation following a request by activist Dr Hartini Zainudin.
The ministry was then in touch with the Bangladesh High Commission to facilitate sending Fahim home.
Saifuddin, in a Twitter post last night thanked the Immigration Department, Bangladesh High Commissioner Md Golam Sarwar, Dr Hartini and the Chow Kit Foundation for their help.
Ingat lagi kanak2 dari Bangladesh yg dijumpai dalam kontena di Pelabuhan Klang?
— Saifuddin Nasution (@saifnasution) February 21, 2023
Nama dia Md Ratul Islam Fahim, saya panggil Fahim je. 6 hari juga Fahim terperangkap dalam kontena yg berlepas dari pelabuhan Bangladesh tanpa makan & minum,keajaiban juga Fahim dpt diselamatkan
In an earlier statement, Bangladesh State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam said the boy was feeling better after receiving medical treatment.
He confirmed the Bangladesh High Commission in Malaysia was facilitating Fahim’s return to his family.
In a report by Dhaka Tribune, Fahim who is from the Comilla district in Chittagong was said to have gone missing from his family home in Monoharganj Upazila more than 2 months ago.
The 14-year-old boy is the eldest son of a labourer, according to the Daily Star.
His uncle Azgar had said the family identified their son through photos in the media after he was rescued from the container.
Fahim’s father Faruk Mia told journalists in Bangladesh that his son left home on a Friday afternoon about two months ago and never came back.
“We searched for him in our area and at some of our relatives’ houses. But we could not find him,” Faruk was quoted as saying.
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