You Can Take A Video Of Your Vaccination Process, Says KJ
He said that it can be used as evidence if there’s disputes later on.

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Vaccine recipients are allowed to record their vaccination process as evidence that they’ve received the jab, according to Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Khairy Jamaluddin.
Go and film yourselves and take a video of your vaccination, so that you have hard proof and we also have hard proof that you’ve received the proper dosage for your vaccination.
Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Khairy Jamaluddin
He also said that the current practice of health officials showing the syringe with the vaccine dose before administering the jab to the recipient will continue.
Penerima vaksin boleh merakam pengalaman vaksinasi mereka di PPV.
— Vaksin COVID-19 🇲🇾 (@JKJAVMY) July 23, 2021
No links between scam syndicates and empty syringes
In the same press conference, he said that there are no links between empty vaccine shots and vaccine syndicates.
Of those cases that have been reported, empty vaccinations have nothing to do and are not linked to any vaccine selling syndicate.
Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Khairy Jamaluddin
Siasatan polis mendapati tiada kaitan ‘vaksin kosong’ dengan sindiket penjualan vaksin.
— Vaksin COVID-19 🇲🇾 (@JKJAVMY) July 23, 2021
Not everybody will feel the same thing
He said that multiple police reports have been lodged by Malaysians who didn’t feel any side effects after getting their jab but explained that it depends on the body’s reaction and not every one will experience the same thing.
Khairy mentioned that based on investigations, the health personnel who were responsible for administering the dose said that they’ve completed the inoculation process and the ones who lodge the police report often don’t have any other evidence besides not having any side effects from the vaccine.
He also said that there was only one case involving a health official at the Sungai Petani military camp where the nurse admitted to negligence. Khairy said that the nurse has been issued a warning and will go through a disciplinary process by the Health Ministry.
Suntikan kosong – Tindakan tatatertib akan dikenakan terhadap seorang jururawat di Sungai Petani yang telah mengaku cuai.
— KKMalaysia🇲🇾 (@KKMPutrajaya) July 23, 2021
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Unkempt in both stories and appearance, Hakim loves tech but tech left him on read, previously he used to write about tall buildings and unoccupied spaces that he can't afford, and legend has it that he still can't afford it to this day