Netizens salty over fake Himalayan salt candy

You know of counterfeit CDs, handbags, and even eggs… but now there’s a new contender: counterfeit candy.
Big Foot Malaysia recently made a post alerting the public to fake versions of the popular Himalaya Salt mint candy.
The salty-minty candy is meant to replenish the body’s natural salts after sweating, and is popular among fitness groups for its unique flavors and salt-replenishing properties.
got a new favourite candy now- this himalaya salt lemon candy is something else. eat one and you’re hooked. bye nerds.
— Khalisah Osman (@leeosmn) February 22, 2019
Himalaya salt candy is the best remedy for running nose & block nose !
— ★Nanaa☆ (@NanaaRahman) March 7, 2019
just bought a box of himalaya salt candy 🤡 i hope 12 packs can last me at least half the term?? so 1-2 packs per week 🙏🏻
— á´á´€Ê ( ´◕︿◕`·:) (@mxytxn) March 23, 2019
The candy’s popularity is probably why there are even counterfeit versions out there. According to some netizens, the candy is hard to find as they are often sold out!

Netizens that verified that there was indeed a difference in taste and texture of the candy.

Some people were also quite upset upon learning that their stash of candy was *dun dun dun* fake. It’s certainly upsetting to lose trust in your favourite candy brand by accidentally buying fakes!

If you are looking for the candy online, it’s rather hard to make sure what you’re buying is legitimate, since Delfi does not sell the candy directly.
Instead, it is sold in bulk by third-party companies on online selling platforms .

Always be cautious when making purchases online! If you happen to have the fake candy, better not risk it- don’t eat it!

Anne is an advocate of sustainable living and the circular economy, and has managed to mum-nag the team into using reusable containers to tapau food. She is also a proud parent of 4 cats and 1 rabbit.