Consider Menstrual Leave For Employees, Says HR Ministry
Companies are encouraged to set up menstrual leaves within their own company policy.
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The Human Resources Ministry has encouraged government-linked companies (GLCs) and private firms in Malaysia to implement menstrual leave policy on their own without waiting for the government to legislate it, according to NST.
GLCs and private firms are free to add menstrual leave for female employees into their respective company policies, and can discuss the issue with trade unions and other parties.
However, for menstural leaves to be written into legistature will still require more time and an in-depth study of the issue as the move on this highly-debated issue could both mark progression but unwittingly limit womens’ careers.
The Pros
Of course, the pros are geared towards women and to make the workplace friendlier and more considerate of women’s needs.
Most women in Malaysia experience painful menses called dysmenorrhea, which causes debilitating pain, dizziness, and other difficulties which impacts work performance. Most women are simply taught to ignore it or self-medicate with pain relievers, forcing them to work through a painful period.
Implementing menstrual leave would essentially enhance women’s rights and will be seen as a progessive move by the government.
Findings of an online poll conducted by NST finds that 87% of 1,177 people polled want the adoption of a menstrual leave policy in Malaysia.
The Cons
However, the flip side of the coin is that the requirement to provide additional menstrual leaves may cast women as less desireable as an employee, which may actually end up hurting womens’ careers.
In a country where menstruation and women’s health is stigmatized, a “womens’ only perk” may lead to even more discrimination in the workplace.
After all, menstruation carries with it shame, even to this day. Even in countries that have implemented menstrual leave policies such as Japan, Indonesia, and Taiwan, not many women actually utilize the leaves out of embarassment or fear.
In the end, it will take a while for government to commit to an actual menstrual leave policy. However, companies are more than welcome to hold discussions with their female employees in order to design a suitable policy that will best fit their needs.
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Anne is an advocate of sustainable living and the circular economy, and has managed to mum-nag the team into using reusable containers to tapau food. She is also a proud parent of 4 cats and 1 rabbit.