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Please Stop Giving Me Gifts: Abang Viva Refuses To Do Live TikToks Because He Doesn’t Want Anything In Return

Please Stop Giving Me Gifts: Abang Viva Refuses To Do Live TikToks Because He Doesn’t Want Anything In Return

His spirit reminds Malaysians how they used to work together and help each other to overcome different challenges.

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As the nation continues to battle with floods, Abang Viva – whose real name is Azwan Omar – remains one of the most mentioned names among netizens.

Accordingly, the 29-year-old from Melaka had not done so for quite a while because he believes it’s better to give than to receive.

Abang Viva. (Source: Facebook)

Receiving Is Harder Than Giving

It turns out that Abang Viva doesn’t like receiving gifts because there really isn’t anything he needs.

He simply wants to spend quality time helping people in need rather than receiving something in return.

In other words, he would rather prefer if the giver use the gift or money for a better cause instead.

READ MORE: As ‘Abang Viva’ Perseveres in Helping Flood Victims, Netizens Ask Perodua To Give Him A New Car

Abang Viva drives around helping flood victims in a Perodua Viva. (Source: Facebook)

Nevertheless, netizens continue to thank him for his inspirational efforts to help the less fortunate.

They admire Abang Viva for living a contented and happy life without being materialistic.

In any case, the factory worker would not mind accepting words of appreciation and the recognition he deserves.

READ MORE: Abang Viva Awarded Certificate Of Appreciation For Helping Flood Victims

We hope Abang Viva will continue to thrive with an indomitable spirit and inspire more people to embrace their roles as socially responsible citizens.

Catch the video on Abang Viva changing public attitudes towards helping others here.

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