[UPDATE] 779 Teachers In Johor Said No To The Covid-19 Vaccine. Now TMJ Wants To Meet Them.
Good news is that over 96.26% of teachers in Johor have been vaccinated.

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Since the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme started, 45,448 teachers in Johor fulfilled their responsibility and have received at least the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.
A little more than half of them or 50.29% are fully vaccinated reported Utusan.
However, based on the same statistics, 779 teachers refused to be vaccinated, 12 have not yet registered, and two have yet to update their data.
Johor Education, Information, Heritage and Culture Committee chairman Mazlan Bujang, reported Harian Metro, said that the Johor Education Department will help to explain to each teacher who refused the vaccination, individually, the importance of the vaccination especially then schools are expected to open in October.
At the same time, we have to understand that there are a few valid health reasons why someone could not take the Covid-19 vaccine. Also do not discount the fact that there is a chance some of these teachers accidentally tapped no.
[UPDATE Tunku Mahkota Johor, Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim announced in a tweet that he wishes to meet the Johor Education Department Director and the 779 teachers to address the issue.]
Saya akan berjumpa dengan Pengarah Pendidikan Negeri Johor dan guru guru tersebut dalam masa terdekat. Keutamaan kami adalah untuk mengatasi pandemik ini secepat mungkin supaya rakyat, negeri boleh kembali dan meneruskan kehidupan seperti biasa. https://t.co/gOe15L6RKQ
— HRH Crown Prince of Johor (@HRHJohorII) August 22, 2021
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