Vaccination Rate Of 176,262 A Day Now Required To Hit Promised Vaccination Target, Says Yeo Bee Yin
The original goal for June was 150,000 doses a day, but we fell behind in the first week.

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Although the country hit its highest ever vaccinate rate yesterday, 14 June 2021, with 197,963 doses distributed nationwide, there’s still more to be done, says Bakri MP and former Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC) Yeo Bee Yin.
1-7 Jun (ave vax rate): 90,055 doses/day
— Yeo Bee Yin (@yeobeeyin) June 15, 2021
8-14 Jun (ave): 149,917 d/day
Congrats to @Khairykj, @JKJAVMY, state gov, frontliners etc for reaching the target ave of 150k/day in the 2nd 7-days of June. Well done!
In a public post on her social media, DAP MP Yeo Bee Yin congratulated current Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation and Coordinating Minister for COVID-19 Immunisation Khairy Jamaluddin from UMNO on the team’s success in vaccine distribution.
The promised 150,000 daily average
Beginning 1 June 2021, the country’s goal was to distribute 150,000 doses of vaccine a day in a bid to ramp up the vaccination rate.
In the first week of June, we did not achieve the daily goal at all, with the highest vaccine distribution at a mere 117,563.
However, in the second week on June, there was a significant increase in dosages provided, as we achieved the 150,000 dose per day goal a majority of the time.
Still, more effort is needed to catch up to the original planned vaccine rate.
To reach 150,000 d/day for June, we’ll need ave vaccination rate of 176,262 d/day for the next 16 days. All the best!
MP Yeo Bee Yin
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Anne is an advocate of sustainable living and the circular economy, and has managed to mum-nag the team into using reusable containers to tapau food. She is also a proud parent of 4 cats and 1 rabbit.