Lee Lam Thye Warns Malaysians That The Second Wave Of Covid-19 Will Be Worse Than The First

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If Malaysians continue to let their guard down and have an “I don’t care” attitude towards the health and safety standard operating procedures (SOP), we will be risking and jeopardizing all the hard work done by the government in controlling the spread of Covid-19.
Social activist and Alliance For Safe Community chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye said that if this negative attitude continues, Covid-19 will affect the wellbeing of the people in the country at a scale that has never been seen before.
I have voiced my concerns before, but there are still many citizens who appear to be negligent or are refusing to heed the government’s advice in wearing a facemask in public and crowded places.
Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye via Berita Harian (Translated from BM)
In a statement published today, he said that the threat of Covid-19 infection returning to the country is obvious, highlighting how it has also happened in several other countries including Australia, South Korea, and in Hong Kong when the second wave happened very quickly.
Lee added that this will also cause Malaysia to lose its stellar reputation in successfully flattening the Covid-19 infection curve, which managed to gain international praise.
Speaking of the Prime Minister’s televised address yesterday, Lee said that Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s warning should not be taken lightly, adding that the first wave has already affected almost four months of our lives, and the second wave will likely be worse.
I see this as a serious situation, I hope the people can take seriously the call made by our prime minister because if the second wave occurs, the whole country will suffer.
Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye via The Star
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Starving forensic investigator turned writer cause she couldn't find a job. Used to search for killers now searches for killer stories.