Single Moms, Here’s How You Can Apply For RM300 Assistance From The Government
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Parenting can be difficult, arguably more so if you’re doing it alone.
For single mothers who find themselves overwhelmed by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the government is offering some assistance with the Single Mothers Special Assistance (BKIT) program – one-off payment of RM300 for eligible applicants.
The program was introduced as a measure under the RM35 billion National Economic Recovery Plan (PENJANA), with an allocation of RM102 million to help over 300,000 single mothers as well as disabled persons (OKU).
Applications for the BKIT aid are currently open until October 31, 2020, and payment would be made directly to the applicant’s bank account starting July till November.
Applicants would first need to fit the government’s criteria of a single mother mandated under the Single Mothers Empowerment Action Plan 2015-2020 of being either; widowed, divorced, separated with children living under the same roof, or single unmarried women with adopted children.
Secondly, applicants would need to be a Malaysian citizen currently living in the country and have a household income that is below the national poverty line of RM960.
According to the BKIT official FAQ, failed applications would be able to appeal their case, however, details on the matter were not specified.
For women looking to apply for the aid program, applications can be made online via the national Women’s Development Department (JPW) official website, according to your state address.
Oddly enough the entire process which includes submissions of personal documentations like MyKad identification, bank statements, marital and divorce papers, etc. are done via Google services, which means that applicants would need a Gmail account to apply.
Applications can also be made manually at any state JPW or state Social Welfare Department (JKM) offices.
If you’re looking for more information you can follow JPW on Facebook or get more details on they’re official webpage, HERE, or via email at
Applicants may also reach out to the following numbers for further enquiries;
- 03-8323 2162
- 03-8323 2149
- 03-8323 2135
- 03-8323 2138
Additionally, the government in collaboration with Bank Simpanan Nasional and TEKUN National had also allocated a sum of RM50 million under the PENJANA Micro Funding program to provide loans of up to RM500,000 at an interest rate of 3.5% to female entrepreneurs and small business owners.
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