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Pubs, Restaurants Selling Liquor Not Allowed To Operate During CMCO

Pubs, Restaurants Selling Liquor Not Allowed To Operate During CMCO

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Federal Territories Minister Tan Sri Annuar Musa has stated that all pubs and restaurants selling liquor are not allowed to operate during the entire period of the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO).

According to Malay Mail, the minister said in a Facebook live session yesterday that these premises are not restaurants. Even restaurants in pubs are not considered restaurants.

Annuar Musa then clarified that while these premises serve food, they are still included in the negative list as karaoke and entertainment centers, and are not yet allowed to open for business.

He said this after his ministry received complaints from non-Muslims that these premises were operating at night in the city centre.

Checks have been conducted by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) Enforcement Department on 91 premises around the city centre yesterday to investigate for CMCO compliance.

The initial checks showed that not all premises adhered to the new standard operating procedures. 36 premises did not practise one-metre social distancing with their customers. 48 premises did not have social distance markers. 28 premises did not provide hand sanitisers. Additionally, some premises committed more than one offence.

All premises have been directed to comply with the standard operating procedure as stated in the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988. The law remains applicable even under the CMCO. Hence, those who commit any offence can be charged in court and face a maximum fine of RM1,000 or imprisonment of up to six months, or both.

This comes after expatriates were sighted drinking at a pub in Bangsar on the first day of the CMCO, as reported by Malay Mail.

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