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COVID-19 Patients Might Have Loss Of Smell And Taste

COVID-19 Patients Might Have Loss Of Smell And Taste

According to a press release from The Royal College of Surgeons UK, loss of the sense of smell and taste is one of the new symptoms of COVID-19.

Loss of the sense of smell, anosmia, is a common reaction to viruses that are known to cause upper respiratory tract infections, such as the novel coronavirus. Therefore, it’s no surprise that COVID-19 would also cause anosmia in infected patients.

In many patients, they present only ansomia in absence of all other usual symptoms such as coughs and fevers.

Forbes also reported that physicians from hardest hit countries like China and Europe have commented that a significant proportion of patients are presenting anosmia (loss of smell) and dysgeusia (loss of sense of taste) symptoms. However, researchers have not yet been able to quantify the findings due to overwhelming of the healthcare system.

It’s easy to test for loss of smell and taste, particularly when every one is stuck at home due to the movement control order. Try smelling scented soaps and candles for a quick check. As for sense of taste, just cook yourself a pack of instant noodles.

Of course, these are just possible signs that you have the virus. There are also instances of COVID-19 positive patients who are asymptotic, meaning they do not show any kind of symptoms.

Regardless, it is certainly safer to just stay at home for now to protect yourself and others.

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