M’sian personal data traded ‘underground’ for less than RM150
We’ve all been there, just sitting around minding our business when suddenly…
Aiyo! How did these people get my number laa…
Well, it turns out that your private personal data might be on sale at bargain prices!
Free Malaysia Today reports of an underground trade of consumer data where personal information like phone numbers, MyKad details, mailing addresses and other valuable data can be purchased for as low as RM150.
The report stated that the leaked personal details were regularly on sale to parties who are looking to gain an upper hand on prospect and potential buyers.
And naturally, this also opens up room for criminal entities to take advantage of this huge pool of unsuspecting victims.
The report was further substantiated by Kuala Lumpur Bar Information Technology Committee chairman Foong Cheng Leong, who noted that the trading of personal data was rather common in Malaysia and enforcement on the matter had seemingly been lacking.
Malaysia’s Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA), provides protection for an individual’s personal information and regulates the purchase and sale of personal data for the purpose of legal commercial transactions.
However, Cheng Leong mentioned that for some reason, persecution of such leaks and breaches were rather nonexistent.
Just recently, cosmetic company Sephora confessed to a data breach where the personal information of customers in the Asia-Pacific region including Malaysia had been exposed by an unauthorised party.
And in 2017 the country went through what was claimed to be one of the biggest data heists in the nation seeing the personal details of some 40 million Malaysian mobile numbers and records from the Malaysian Medical Council were spread online.
If you’re worried that your personal details might have been divulged without your knowledge, here are a few steps that you can take to protect yourself;
1. New phone, who dis?
Sure it might be a hassle to change your number, transfer files and update your contacts, but peace of mind does come with a price.
2. Don’t pick up!
Try your best not to respond to any calls, texts, and emails from unknown and suspicious sources.
3. Secure the vault
Take time to come up with a complex password for your important accounts and set up 2-step verification for everything.
4. Get notified.
Configure your cash-connected accounts to send you notifications of any and every activity done through it, so you’d always be in the know of any suspicious and unwanted things done in your name.
Typing out trending topics and walking the fine line between deep and dumb.