Viral: Students caught skipping school to be apprehended and sent to balai

It seems as though sometimes there’s little that adults can do when trying to separate delinquent kids from committing countless misdeeds, like cutting class and skipping school for instance…
Or is there?

Well, trending on Twitter today is one sure-fire way to keep truant schoolchildren, well… in school… (simply by scaring the living sh*t out of em’….)

Based on a tweet posted by the Majalah Pendidikan official account, any students found to have jumped the fence (both metaphorically and literally speaking…) and loitering around instead of being in school will be instantly apprehended by the police.
According to the posting, students who are caught in uniform pottering at the mall or among the many lepak sites around the country will immediately be sent straight to the nearest police station, only to be released upon collection by their parents or guardians. (would they need to pay for ikat jamin though?)
Siapa ada anak yg didapati pongteng sekolah lepak di mall dan d kawasan bandar memakai uniform sekolah polis akan tahan naik lori dan bas hantar ke balai,dan ibubapa penjaga kena dtg utk jamin
Kredit: Wong Thien Kiong
— Pendidik 🇲🇾 (@pendidikmajalah) July 9, 2019
And the kids are going there in style too… According to the tweet, these naughty little scoundrels will be shipped off in the back of a police lorry (you know the ones you’d see those banduans riding in…)
Images accompanying the tweet showed glimpses of what might just happen if you were to get caught playing hookey.
The first image showed a group of secondary school kids being escorted away by officers in the back of the mentioned banduan transport, while the second picture showed the few unlucky teens sitting cross-legged, together in a parking lot of a police station.
Apparently, this particular group of kids were angkut-ed in Sandakan, Sabah
The tweet which came out on July 9 had since made rounds on social media, gaining the attention of netizens who are clearly in support of the fear-tactics used to keep kids in school.
Bagus. Bersama sama membentuk dan mengawal generasi kita.
— -VE MAN (@WANMH84) July 9, 2019
“Good. Let’s together create and control (the youths of) our generation.”
via Twitter
Bagus. Sokong. mak bapak mesti bjggungjwb
— Muhammad Iskandar Shah (@RameliRiza) July 9, 2019
“Great. I support this. Parents should be held responsible (for their kids).”
via Twitter
Kadang2 tak faham dengan budak2 yang nak ponteng sekolah ni, Motif ? Kalau nak lepak atau berjimba, sabtu ahad kan ada .. pelik2 perangai
— kimieka (@tulip_pagi) July 10, 2019
“Sometimes I just don’t understand why kids would want to skip school, what’s the motive? If they’d want to hang out and have fun, do it on a weekend… Kids are weird.”
via Twitter
Some also took time to reminisce on moments from their own youth, sharing their own delinquent experiences.
Hahahaha aku masa form2 camni la pegi cc kena tangkap wei, pergi balai semua pastu balik sendiri naik bas pergi sekolah, the best part is aku anak cikgu and satu sekolah tau kes ni
— Hakeem anak orang asli tu (@farhan_hakeem) July 9, 2019
“Hahaha… This is similar to what happened during my time as a form two student, getting picked up for going to the cyber cafe. we all were sent to the police station and everyone had to take the bus back to school. The best part is, I’m the son of the teacher at the school.”
via Twitter
Ini level beginner je cabut pergi mall. Aku steady je balik rumah balik cakap moto pancit tgh jalan.
— mannafiq (@ManManFiq) July 10, 2019
“During my day, I was cool, so I just went home and told my parents that my motorcycle got a flat on the way.”
via Twitter
aku ponteng takpernah kena pun , apa ni ponteng pun tak reti
— syia (@nursyiashahrol) July 9, 2019
“I have never been caught cutting school. (These kids) don’t even know how (to skip school).”
via Twitter
Kann..ponteng sekolah jangan pakai uniform sekolah..itu pun nak ken ajar ke??
— TripleS™ (@Sal2318) July 9, 2019
“Right… If you want to skip school don’t wear a school uniform… Don’t (they) ever learn?”
via Twitter
Aku dulu ponteng lepak mamak dekat dengan sekolah aku je. bila nampak polis bantuan lalu gelupoh lari 🤣
— EL 🌻 (@__Sofeaaao) July 9, 2019
“During my time, I just cut class at the mamak stall close to school. Would scram if I saw any auxiliary police lurking about.”
via Twitter
However, quickly looking back at recent times, this isn’t the first account of such draconian actions that have been taken to prevent kids from cutting school. Throughout the years’ countless operations have been conducted by the government, schools as well as enforcement agencies to curb the truancy amongst schoolchildren in Malaysia.
Just last month there were 3,992 cases of school truancy recorded thus far in the year in the state of Johor alone.

Which begs the bigger question, are standard scare-tactics such as threatening our kids with jail time really make an impact on cutting down the number of ponteng cases in the country?
Share us your thoughts in the comments.

Typing out trending topics and walking the fine line between deep and dumb.