Aunt Pleads For Help To Find Hit And Run Biker Who Severely Injured Nephew
Twitter user @keensalleh shared the sad tale on social media, asking for anyone with video proof or any proof at all regarding the incident to step forward and help her family.

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A dinner session for one family turned into a nightmare after their five year old son was hit by a motorcyclist who ran the red light in Uptown Puchong recently.
Twitter user @keensalleh shared the sad tale on social media, asking for anyone with video proof or any proof at all regarding the incident to step forward and help her family.
I am making this thread with hope that Malaysians will help this go viral. Maybe with the power of viralled tweets my family and I may find the irresponsible person. Hit and run case in front of Uptown Puchong at 2am on April 20.
@keensalleh via Twitter
In a series of tweets, she shared that her family, including the child, Ikhwal Adnin, were on the way to their car after dinner when the incident took place.
The roads were clear and the cars were stopped at the red light. They were almost reaching their car when suddenly a Kawasaki RR motorcycle raced out into the road, knocking my nephew in the process. The man had no helmet on and had a big figure. My five year old nephew was thrown across the road and as his father raced towards the motorcyclist, the man turned to look at the scene behind him and sped off.
@keensalleh via Twitter
She added that the only piece of evidence they had at the moment was a few motor parts that had come loose when the accident happened.
The child was then rushed to the hospital where doctors found that he was now unable to breathe on his own and required a machine to help him do so.
And when Ikhwal reached the hospital, Ikhwal could no longer breathe on his own, and had to be admitted to the Critical Zone with the help of a breathing machine.
@keensalleh via Twitter
She also added that her nephew had suffered serious internal injuries according to the doctors at Serdang Hospital.
The hospital said there was very little hope for Ikwal but because he was still breathing, we decided to put him in the ICU first for the doctor to help monitor him. May there be a Miracle for Ikhwal. Allahuakbar.
@keensalleh via Twitter
While a police report has been made by the family, she alleged that the police have informed the family that nothing much could be done as there was “no clue from the incident”.
If there is anyone who witnessed this accident or any car who caught it happening on their dash cam. Or even if there are motorcyclist gangs who can help us find the person who did this, please step forward and help.
@keensalleh via Twitter
According to the young boy’s father, Ikhwal is currently dependent on medication as he has been declared as brain dead.
His other organs have ceased to work as well and only his heart is pumping at the moment. If that stops too then Allah has taken our Ikhwal Adnin. Please pray for our family and for Ikhwal.
@keensalleh via Twitter
To anyone who knows anything at all about the accident that took place on April 20 at 2am, please reach out to @keensalleh on Twitter.
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