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It’ll Take A Longer Time To Get Your Driving License Due To Backlogs

It’ll Take A Longer Time To Get Your Driving License Due To Backlogs

Driving schools are having an influx of students but don’t have enough vehicles and instructors to teach.

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It might take a longer time for new drivers to get their driving licenses because many driving schools have to deal with the backlog once businesses reopened.

According to Malay Mail, one of the reasons for the backlog is because driving schools have to first address students who had their lessons cancelled midway due to the Movement Control Order (MCO).

On top of that, some schools opened an online registration during the MCO and are now facing an increase in students but lack enough vehicles and instructors to teach.

The current SOPs that have to be implemented in classes are also causing students to take a longer time to complete the entire course.

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, driving schools could take up to 50 students in theory class. Under the current SOPs, they can only fit 20 to 25 students in one class.

Additionally, students could get their driving license after 2 to 3 months before the pandemic happened.

It’s affecting both driving and riding lessons. Image: Malay Mail

Kevin, the owner of Sekolah Memandu Gombak, told The Malay Mail it might take students approximately 8 to 9 months to get a driving license now.

He added that it’s not a fixed timeline due to the ever-changing circumstances.

Kevin also said the waiting time to get enrolled on a driving course is now approximately two years.

While most driving schools are working through a backlog, another school Sekolah Memandu Rakyat managed to clear most of its backlog.

A staff member of the school explained that they managed to do so because they did not open an online registration during the lockdown.

As such, they were able to help current students to complete their courses.

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