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Yes, It Can Be Safe To Take Coffee With Durian Or Panadol

Yes, It Can Be Safe To Take Coffee With Durian Or Panadol

Dr Rafidah Abdullah shared that it’s safe to take coffee with durian or medication as long as it’s in moderate and safe amounts.

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There have been myths about combining coffee with some of our favourite Malaysian foods. The common myth is drinking coffee while eating durian or taking medication is dangerous.

The answer to whether it’s safe to take coffee with any other food (or edible items) is down to our health.

Dr Rafidah Abdullah, an internal medicine specialist at the Nephrology department of Putrajaya Hospital, posted on Twitter that there’s no issue taking coffee while enjoying durian or taking coffee with medication together.

She explained that it’s safe to consume unless it causes an allergic reaction or the person has underlying health issues.

If the person has an allergic reaction or underlying health issues that could get triggered, it would be best to avoid the “risky” coffee and food pairing altogether.

As always, the dose makes the poison. Dr Rafidah reminded everyone to take food such as coffee and durian in moderation to make sure our caloric and nutritional intake and health are cared for.

As it turned out, coffee and medication such as paracetamol (Panadol) work well together as a quick pain reliever.

The caffeine in coffee can help increase the effects of paracetamol and cause blood vessels to constrict (giving less intracranial pressure via blood flow), thus alleviating headaches.

According to a study, caffeine generates minimal vasoconstriction before a significant vasodilator (blood vessels widening) effect.

Fun fact: The Panadol Extra sold in markets is basically paracetamol plus caffeine.

However, it’s important to note that this doesn’t mean coffee is suitable to be paired with all medications.

If you’re unsure if combining coffee with durian or medication is good for you, it’s best to check with a medical doctor. And always follow the instructions on the medicine packet or box.

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