Need Help? There Are Free Mental Health Resources For You In Your Preferred Languages
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When the going gets tough, the tough reaches out to mental health resources because it’s not healthy to keep stress bottled up within you.
Malaysia actually has a good number of mental health resources available to the public for free, often run by NGOs.
While Malaysia is multilingual, everyone has a language they are most comfortable in, especially when expressing themselves emotionally. Hence, this guide provided by the Malaysian Association of Psychology Students also includes options for the four main languges in Malaysia: Malay, English, Chinese, and Tamil.
1) Malaysian Mental Health Association
Available in Malay, English, or Chinese.
2) Than Hsiang Mitra Welfare Centre
Available in Chinese.
3) Buddhist Gem Fellowship
Available in English and Malay.
Available in Chinese.
5) YBAM Pelita
Available in Chinese.
6) Befrienders
Available in English and Malay.
7) Mercy Malaysia
Available in Malay, Tamil, and English.
8) Pertubuhan Kebajikan Sneham Malaysia
Available in Tamil, Bahasa, and English.
The Covid-19 pandemic is a truly difficult time for everyone. In fact, the government’s national and state helplines which were set up to field questions about the pandemic reported a large number of calls since last year, with almost half of the calls being related to the mental toll that came with the pandemic.
As we are almost reaching one full year since the first lockdown, many people who have continued to stay strong may be reaching the end of their rope. In these cases, there’s absolutely no harm or shame in seeking help from trusted organisations.
All helplines maintain strict confidentiality to preserve your privacy.
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Anne is an advocate of sustainable living and the circular economy, and has managed to mum-nag the team into using reusable containers to tapau food. She is also a proud parent of 4 cats and 1 rabbit.