Students At Local Uni Wasted 100 Free Meals Given By Government

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The Student Representative Council (SRC) of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education, is offering free meals to UTAR students for the duration of the movement control order (MCO).
Three free meals will be provided per day until 14 April 2020 under the assistance program to ensure students living on campus will not have to go hungry.
Unfortunately, there are students who have signed up for this food assistance, but then fail to collect the food, leaving it out in the hot sun to risk spoilage.
In a passionate post on UTAR Confessions, an anonymous student laments the waste of food.
According to this post, over 100 meals were left aside at the Westlake collection point alone.
“I’m shocked at the this kind of behaviour. I’m embarrassed that I know these people who are wasting food, with their unacceptable excuses.” the post reads.
“Free government aid is meant to help people, not to be wasted. Please be responsible for it if you have signed up for this aid. Please appreciate the food and be a student of quality.”
The author continues to note that some students have been taking the free food to feed stray cats and dogs. While the stray animals are pitiful, the food is meant to feed hungry students and relieve some of their financial burden, not to save stray animals.
The post ends thanking the student council for their diligence in distributing the food aid to students in the hot sun.
However, some students expressed concern that those lining up to collect food did not follow the correct procedure of social distancing.

According to some comments, most of those in queue did not wear masks nor did they adhere to a 1-meter distance between each person. They suggest that some students were worried over the the way the food was distributed and gave up on it. “Happy gathering”, one comment reads sarcastically.
They were also not allowed to take meals for their friends, instead requiring each individual to come in person to collect the meals.
In addition to the three meals a day, students are also given dry foods such as biscuits, instant noodles, sachet drinks, and hand sanitisers.
All these food supplies were generously donated by sponsors.
See the original post here:
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Anne is an advocate of sustainable living and the circular economy, and has managed to mum-nag the team into using reusable containers to tapau food. She is also a proud parent of 4 cats and 1 rabbit.