Brands Are Doing Their Part To Help Fight COVID-19

As COVID-19 became a pandemic, Malaysian health officials and the authorities tried their level best to contain the spread of the virus and implemented the Movement Control Order (MCO), urging everyone to practice social distancing and stay at home.
However, Malaysians are so stubborn that Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has held press conferences pleading with Malaysians to adhere to the MCO and stop unnecessarily leaving their house.
Now, brands have taken it upon themselves to help fight this extremely contagious virus from spreading further and killing more people.
Some have updated their marketing gimmick to encourage social distancing, while others are using their platforms to help health officials keep people informed.
Nirvana Malaysia
The local funeral service provider shared several posts on their social media accounts jokingly reminding their followers to adhere to the MCO because if they don’t there might be some dire consequences.
The local telco has changed its carrier name next to the signal bar on mobile phones. Usually, their carrier name is displayed as just “Digiâ€. Recently, users noticed that the carrier’s name has changed.

Toyota Malaysia
The car-maker encouraged their social media followers to unite against the virus by being apart in a truly heartwarming post on their Facebook page.
McDonald’s changed its social media profile picture to give people a visual representation of what social distancing looks like.
Facebook Inc.
Considering that fact that Facebook Inc’s family of apps have an extremely wide audience, they’ve taken an extra step to ensure that their followers have easy access to help and information in case they need it.
On the Facebook app, the company provides a link to the Health Ministry’s website between every few posts on a user’s timeline feed. On Instagram, the link is located at the very top of the feed.

Meanwhile, WhatsApp is working with the World Health Organisation (WHO) to provide direct messages from the organisation to a user’s phone.
Netflix, Amazon, and YouTube
Foreseeing that while being stuck at home, more and more users will be binge-watching videos and movies on the internet, streaming services have gone ahead and started reducing their video quality to reduce the strain being put on the internet.
Which for us, might be the best decision made so far because we can’t even begin to imagine how this Movement Control Order would be like if the internet suddenly crashed on us.
How’s staying at home going, guys? Share your experiences with us on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

Starving forensic investigator turned writer cause she couldn't find a job. Used to search for killers now searches for killer stories.