Self control will prevent May 13 repeat, says senior journalist
Half a century after tragedy struck Kuala Lumpur, Berita Harian Executive Editor Badrul Hizar Ab Jabar, advocates self control and reminds Malaysia to unite this May 13th.
His commentary piece entitled Kawal diri, jangan bermain api perkauman (Self control, don’t play with the fire of racial issues) was written in Bahasa Malaysia and published on BHOnline.
Akibat perasaan bongkak dengan kuasa serta penghinaan kepada kaum lain, sektor keselamatan, ekonomi dan kestabilan politik negara kucar-kacir.
Because of arrogance with power as well as insults to other races, the country’s safety, economy and political stability were in chaos.
Badrul Hizar Ab Jabar
Badrul Hizar wrote that race and religion are two matters that are extremely fragile.
In this current era of Social Media and Facebook, viral videos and pictures shared and commented on freely are only instigating an undercurrent of conflict.
Golongan ini mungkin berasa diri mereka wira atau pejuang kaum dan agama, tetapi pendekatan itu hanya menimbulkan rasa tidak selesa dalam hubungan antara kaum.
These people (the Non Governmental Bodies (NGOs)) that represent racial and religious backgrounds may feel like heroes, but that approach is causing an uncomfortable feeling in inter-racial relationships.Badrul Hizar Ab Jabar
He also highlighted that there are politicians and political parties that thrive on these sentiments.
Badrul’s walk down memory lane to this tragic time was a reminder to prompt us, the current generation, to take measures to prevent May 13 from ever reoccurring.
Banyak petunjuk kebelakangan ini cukup membimbangkan.
Recently, there are many red flags.
Badrul Hizar Ab Jabar
He urges authorities to be more vigilant in monitoring any divisive connotations or nuances that can lead to the country’s disintegration.
Though generally, he believes that it is a shared responsibility of the people to uphold our country’s unity.
Peristiwa hitam ini harus jadi iktibar supaya rakyat berbilang kaum dan pegangan agama dapat bergerak lebih dekat kepada perpaduan antara kaum dan integrasi nasional.
This tragedy must be a lesson so the rakyat from all races and religions to continue to move toward unity between the races and national integration.
Badrul Hizar Ab Jabar
Badrul believes that by having self control especially when dealing with racial and religious issues, we can preserve this country’s prosperity and growth.
Source via:
1. Berita Harian, May 13, 2019 (Kawal diri, jangan bermain api perkauman)