Malaysians Share Frustrations & Anxieties Over MCO3.0
While most Malaysians seem unhappy about the MCO3.0 announcement, the lockdown itself appears to be necessary.

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Confusion, frustration and disappointment were some of the emotions expressed by Malaysians following the announcement of a nationwide Movement Control Order (MCO) by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin on Monday evening (10 May).
Set to take place between 12 May to 7 June, ‘MCO3.0’ essentially limits inter-district and interstate travel, prohibits social gathering, re-implements the Work From Home (WFH) policy for white-collar Malaysians as well as provides newer guidelines for Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations.
The PM, in an online statement, writes that the lockdown was necessary to combat the spread of Covid-19 in the country.
As netizens continued to converse on social media, many like political artist Fahmi Reza took shots at Muhyiddin’s administration for relaying such important news via a five-page document posted to social media and messaging platforms.
— Fahmi Reza (@fahmirezaKL) May 10, 2021
Others like DAP Secretary General Lim Guan Eng chose to criticize the government’s choice to ‘u-turn’ on its previous decision not to implement a nationwide MCO.
17 Mac Mahiaddin kata takkan buat PKP menyeluruh konon akan laksana “strategi kawalan lebih bersasar bersandarkan sains dan data.”
— Lim Guan Eng (@guanenglim) May 10, 2021
10 Mei Mahiaddin umum PKP seluruh negara berdasarkan sains dan data. #KerajaanGagal
Some, like Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman addressed pressing concerns regarding the lockdown – suggesting that an automatic moratorium relief plan should be made available with the implementation of the MCO to aid the rakyat.
He also called the government out on its promised distribution of laptops to school students who would be re-starting home-based Teaching and Learning (PdPR) soon.
PKP seluruh negara harus datang sekali dengan pelan bantuan moratorium secara automatik.
— Syed Saddiq (@SyedSaddiq) May 10, 2021
Banyak perniagaan dan rakyat telah tanggung beban. Perlu bantu mereka.
Laptop bila pula nak dapat? Sekolah sudah tutup. PDPR perlu bermula.
Meanwhile, figures such as Segambut MP Hannah Yeoh request a review of some of MCO3.0’s guidelines.
She asks that the government consider the upcoming Aidilfitri celebration to allow for family members to visit their relative’s graves if health and safety can be assured.
.@MKNJPM saya meminta supaya ziarah kubur untuk ahli keluarga (immediate family members) di daerah yang sama pada Hari Raya dibenarkan kerana:
— Hannah Yeoh (@hannahyeoh) May 10, 2021
• outdoor; dan
• semua memakai pelitup muka.
Mohon pertimbangkan.
Despite ongoing arguments, those like Malaysia Digital Economy Corp (MDEC) Chairman Datuk Dr Rais Hussin Mohamed Ariff share the common opinion that an MCO was necessary to bring Covid-19 numbers under control.
The nationwide MCO decision is a wise one. It must be decisive and implemented without any exceptions ! It must be enforced on all. Yes on ALL ! Listen to the experts not politicians. The experts must be public health specialists and/or epidemiologist ! Not surgeons ! Pls !
— Dr. Rais Hussin (@raishussin) May 10, 2021
However, many share frustrations and anxieties over the government’s handling of the pandemic and what’s instore for the people in the future.
i hope the govt knows that the people are pissed not bcs we have to go through another mco again. we know it’s for the best.
— farah (@furrarie) May 10, 2021
it’s the last minute announcements, the contradicting SOPs, the inconsiderate decisions, the consistent incompetence.
There is no economy if people cannot move.
— Boo Su-Lyn (@boosulyn) May 10, 2021
Where is the govt assistance to tide small businesses and the large informal workforce through MCO 3.0?
What is the long-term strategy to avoid an endless cycle of lockdowns until we achieve herd immunity?
Only 2.1% of pop fully vax.
Presently, Malaysia records 444,484 confirmed cases of Covid-19 with 37,396 active infections.
In hospitals in the Klang Valley and in Johor, intensive care unit (ICU) wards are at 100% capacity or more, while at other hospitals across the country they are at 70% capacity.
READ MORE: Klang Valley Hospitals Now At Maximum Capacity
And things could get even worse.
Recent figures released by the Health Ministry (KKM) also forecasts that if outbreaks continue to spread, we could have as many as 5,000 daily infections by the end of May if SOP is not followed.

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