Thai grandma singing sweetly to small, sleepy dog will melt your heart [Video]
It’s no secret that the internet does have a penchant for small, adorable doggos.
This week, a video of a Thai grandma singing to her adorably small, sleepy dog just melted our hearts.
In the 1:30-minute video, a cute lil’ Chihuahua nuzzles sleepily into the neck of a Thai grandma who’s crooning Leo Sayer’s ‘More Than I Can Say’ to the drowsy pet.
The teeny dog closes his eyes and seems completely smitten
by 70-year-old Malinda Herman’s dulcet tones.
Meanwhile, a kitty can be heard meowing in the background in what we can assume is a botched attempt to harmonise with Malinda.
Unsurprisingly, the video has gone viral with 1.8 million views
after the Thai grandmother posted in onto her Facebook about a month ago.
When TRP spoke to Malinda, she told us that her pet, Jiw Jam, loves listening to music and falls asleep to her playing all the time.
In fact, there’s many videos of the Thai grandma singing
with her sleepyboi that makes us want to simply cry at the preciousness
of it all!
The smol Chihuahua isn’t her only pet though, 4 dogs and a cat lives with Malinda in her Bangkok home.
Touched by the internet fame and sweet comments from thousands of admirers, the Thai grandma just wants people to be happy when they watch the sweet videos.
You can watch the adorable video of Malinda and Jiw Jam below :
We love it more than we can say!
She puts the pun in Punjabi. With a background in healthcare, lifestyle writing and memes, this lady's articles walk a fine line between pun-dai and pun-ishing.