Twitterjaya gives Malaysian man props for being a model husband

Twitterjaya is giving one Malaysian man props for being the ultimate model husband.

Taking to Twitter to share brief tales of his domestic life, Iffatsalleh provided Malaysians with a quick guide on how to maintain a happy, healthy marrige.
Iffatsalleh’s thread begins with a short list of his household tasks and responsibilities, from doing the laundry to looking after his two children.
Setiap 2 hari, aku akan cuci kain.
Setiap 2 minggu, aku akan cuci tandas sehingga bersih.
Setiap petang aku main dengan anak-anak.
Apa wife aku buat?
Baca ni..
— Iffatsalleh (@iffatsalleh) July 13, 2019
“Every two days I do the laundry. Once every two weeks I clean the toilets. Every evening I play with my kids. What does my wife do? Read this…”
via Twitter
Apparently, Iffatsalleh does most of the household chores, leaving his wife to do whatever she pleases… (we have a winner right here…)
According to Iffatsalleh, when he was a single, unmarried man, he was already accustomed to doing tasks and chores on his own and is opposed to primitive concepts like assigned gender roles.

In Iffatsalleh’s castle, there is no such thing as “men’s†or “women’s” work.
Sejak sebelum kahwin, masa study dulu, aku buat semua tu sendiri.
Iron baju
Basuh baju
Cuci tandas
Hampir kerja rumah, aku buat sendiri.Kenapa lepas kawen, aku kena serah tugas?
— Iffatsalleh (@iffatsalleh) July 13, 2019
“Before marriage, when I was still studying, I did all those chores on my own… Ironing clothes, doing the laundry, cleaning the bathroom. I did them all by myself. So, why would I have to hand over these tasks (to my wife) after marriage?”
via Twitter
Dah kahwin pun, aku buat semua tu sendiri. Bila wife nak buat, aku cakap
“Kalau nak tolong, nanti jangan komplen sakit pinggang sakit lutut ye”
Tapi selalunya memang lepas dia tolong, malamnya aku kena urut hahaha
— Iffatsalleh (@iffatsalleh) July 13, 2019
“Even after getting married, I’m still doing those chores on my own. When my wife wants to do them, I’d say ‘if you want to help out, don’t complain of body aches later’. But every time she helps me, I’d have to give her a massage afterwards…”
via Twitter
Raising two boys of his own, Iffatsalleh explains that it was his duty to educate them on the responsibilities and frame of mind of a proper man.
Lepas dapat anak, aku masih buat semua kerja.
Kalau aku terlalu penat, tertidur. Baru wife yang buat kerja tu.
Rasa bersalah bila dia yang buatkan kerja-kerja tu. Entah kenapa.
— Iffatsalleh (@iffatsalleh) July 13, 2019
“Even after having kids, I’m still doing all the work. If I’m too exhausted, then my wife would take over. Though, I always feel guilty when that happens.”
via Twitter
Mungkin sebab dia dah lahirkan anak-anak, jaga diorang setiap hari.
Beban tugas sebagai suri rumah pun berat tau, jangan memain. Wife pernah menangis depan aku beberapa kali sambil cakap
“Penat tau tak”
Kesian betul
— Iffatsalleh (@iffatsalleh) July 13, 2019
“Maybe (I feel guilty) because she has already given birth to our kids and takes care of them every day. Being a housewife is tough, it’s no joke. My wife has cried to me several times telling me how tired she was…”
via Twitter
He also said that his sons are already used to doing housework like taking out the trash and cleaning up because of their father’s “show, don’t tell†attitude.
Back to the point, kenapa aku buat semua kerja rumah?
Sebab aku ada 2 anak lelaki. Aku kena tunjuk kat diorang bahawa kerja rumah tu lelaki yang kena buat.
Tak semestinya perempuan yang buat.
— Iffatsalleh (@iffatsalleh) July 13, 2019
“Back to the point, why do I do all of the housework on my own? Because I have two sons. I have to show them that men should do housework too and it is not something that should be left only to the women…”
via Twitter
Dan dua budak comey tu memang menolong aku.
Tolong sapu sampah
Tolong masukkan baju dalam mesin
Tolong jemur
Tolong angkat
Tolong lipat bajuSo aku didik siap-siap melalui teladan. Bak kata orang tua-tua
“Dont tell, show!”
— Iffatsalleh (@iffatsalleh) July 13, 2019
“And the two munchkins do help me out. They sweep, put laundry in the washing machine, hang the clothes out to dry, and even fold the clean laundry. I lead them by example. Show, don’t tell!”
via Twitter
Iffatsalleh’s aspirational Tweet had received some 20,000 likes and 30,000 retweets since it was posted on July 14.
Here’s what Malaysians are saying about it;
Men with good attitude become a good husband and father
— Btrsy (@afdtlbtrsyiaaa) July 14, 2019
Susah nak cari lelaki yg nak tlg perempuan buat keje umah.. Always aq jmpe lelaki yg pemalas.. Tahu nak kondem je keje org😑
— هدى Ùضيل💕 (@NurHuda80261628) July 14, 2019
“It’s hard to find a man that’ll help women with housework… I always meet the same lazy men who only know to critique other people.”
via Twitter
Itulah life after marriage. Whatever it is, itulah yang kita panggil commitment. Ikhlaskan hati untuk pikul semua tanggungjawab tu without complaining☺
— Shafiqah (@IqahRazali) July 14, 2019
“That’s life after marriage. We call that commitment. Sincerely taking on responsibilities without complaint.”
via Twitter
Thank you on behalf of your wife.😁 My husb always cook with me or if xpenat dia akan masak on the day I have to work late. He has no problem basuh pinggan/doing laundry n he’s the one vacuuming the house sbb I selalu sapu jew mls pakai vacuum. We wives REALLY appreciate it.🙏🙏
— nadira (@nadiradyaa) July 14, 2019
“I’d like to thank you on behalf of your wife. My husband and I would always cook together, or he’d prepare the food on days I have to work late. He has no problems with doing the dishes, or the laundry, and he’s the one who vacuums our house because I always just sweep it. We wives really appreciate it.”
via Twitter
Nice thread bro. Aku yang masih bujang pun selalu berangan nak jadi lelaki yang macam ni. Inshaallah kalau umur panjang.
— â€Ø§Ù…ير الØكيم (@akimveee) July 14, 2019
“Nice thread bro. I’m still single but I’ve always envisioned myself to become a man like this…”
via Twitter
Finally someone speak out about this..bila dh besr duduk rumh kongsi2 bru sedr knpa dlu abah selalu tekan2 sruh buat kerja rumah..abah selalu ckp “lelaki x bermakna x sapu sampah basuh pinggan lipat kain, klau g gym blh angkt besi x kn bakul kain x leh angkat?”
— abang misi 👨⚕️ (@Lotipot) July 14, 2019
“Finally someone said it. When I left to live on my own, I finally understood why my dad kept pushing me to do housework and chores. Dad always said, just because you’re a guy, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to wash, clean or do the laundry. If you can pump iron at the gym why can’t you pick up a laundry basket?”
via Twitter
I like how you treat wife cuz that is how it should be. I hope there many man out there like u! Hwaitinggg! I hope your marriage stay untill the end!
— aι。 (@hangruno) July 15, 2019
Good work Iffatsalleh on being a wonderful man, husband and father.
What do you think?
Did Iffatsalleh get it right? Or do you have other opinions about how a man and/or husband should rightly behave?
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Typing out trending topics and walking the fine line between deep and dumb.