Bibik’s handwritten letter to ‘anak buah’ has Twitterjaya sentimental

Sometimes the simplest gestures can bring the most joy and meaning to our lives. This was surely true for one man who received the perfect gift from someone unexpected.
Twitter user @FizIrshad_ shares a heart-warming, handwritten letter he gotten from his bibik – meaning aunt in Indonesian, however in Malaysia the word is commonly used referring to an Indonesian maid – as a sweet send-off to colleague.
The short letter begins with Bibik Lia humbly apologizing for not having anything (else) to give the young man except for her thought and prayers.
“Sorry Hafiz, I have nothing to give you. (except) my advise, don’t disappoint your parents.
Wrote Bibik Lia via Twitter
Bibik gave me this a day before i left home for college 🥺🥺😭😭
— CAPTAIN NOBODY (@FizIrshad_) June 18, 2019
Translation: I pray that you will do your best, to always be healthy, to prosper and succeed, and may all your dreams and ambitions come true.
Wrote Bibik Lia via Twitter
The touching letter posted yesterday (June 19) has melted the hearts of netizens across Twitterjaya.
your bibik kinda sweet. i’m touched 🥺
— potato (@__hurull) June 18, 2019
Mesti bibik sayang hafiz sangat. So cutee 😭❤
— Sararey (@serrahmaddd) June 19, 2019
Some were even admiring the penmanship in Bibik Lia’s handwriting.
tulisan bibik cantik 😭
— Alan Al Padat (@IniAlannn) June 19, 2019
While others took the time to reminisce and share memories and moments that they also had with their own respective bibiks.
You didn’t see my bibik’s handwritting lg..bibik sy buta huruf but she still can copy down what she saw. So bila dia tulis mcm bdk tadika campur2 uppercase lowercase. But still sy ❤ bibik yg almost 15 yrs jaga sy.
— zach (@_nrzch) June 18, 2019
Bibik aku peluk aku malam sebelum dia nak balik acheh. Aku ingat lagi bedtime story dia semua. Rindunya ya allah. Dari kecik dia jaga. Bik, ingat ainul lagi dak? 😭😭😭. Bibik la pujuk lepas kena marah ngan umi dulu😭
— teamwongweibin😍 (@ainulyatt) June 18, 2019
sama laa bibik saya org acheh and sangattt baik, last contact bibik sebulan sebelum tsunami acheh 2004@2005 macam tu, mak slalu vc and satu hari kami lost contact..and sampai hari ni kami harap dia selamat just fon dia yang hilang🙏
— The Milyn (@milyn88263493) June 18, 2019
The post currently has over 7,000 likes and 11,000 retweets.
Do you have any fond moments and memories of your bibik? Share it with us in the comments on our Facebook page!

Typing out trending topics and walking the fine line between deep and dumb.