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2019 Hari Raya videos

2019 Hari Raya videos

Are you guys ready for Raya? Because we have lined up this year’s best Raya Ads.

If in Ramadhan, we had a set of videos that were more international, this one is more local and hits home even harder.

Jalan Raya | FashionValet #FVRaya2019

This interactive Raya video by Fashion Valet brings you the feels of the Netflix blockbuster hit Black Mirror: Bandersnatch.

Fashion Valet lets you choose their model’s way back to her kampung the night before Raya. Will she finally get back to her mother?


This year, the famous YouTuber Mat Luthfi stars in Touch n Go’s E-Wallet Raya ad where he bravely asks a Kampung Gangster for his daughter’s hand in marriage.

Mat Luthfi just knows how to make you laugh one year after another like how he did last year in a touching one.

Watsons Raya 2019 – Ada Hati, Raya Menjadi-Jadi

Watsons Raya Ad follows Ayda Jebat, as a lady in teal on her ‘fabulous’ journey balik kampung.

Watch how she can ride a bus but still feel like she’s in a first class jet plane back home. Now how many of us can be thattt positive?

It may all be in her head, but there’s nothing wrong looking at the bright side of things.

Raya Kuasa 7 – Iklan Astro Raya 2019

Astro’s Raya video is definitely power like it’s title, Raya to the 7th Power.

In this video everyone in the kampung sure knows how to celebrate Raya in style alright. Or maybe just a tad bit OTT (Over The Top)

With all aunties and uncles clad in their best, you better up your game too.

TNB Raya 2019 – Konvoi Epik Fantastik

Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) highlights the blessings of the Raya season where you meet all your extended family members you never knew existed.

IKLAN RAYA TM 2019 – ATUK GAMER | #LebihUntukMu

Telekom Malaysia on the other hand presents an Atuk Legend.

He might seem peculiar to his wife, but is actually the coolest grandpa in the eyes of his grandson.

Sun Life Malaysia – Ketupat Lejen (Iklan Raya 2019)

Sun Life Malaysia, the insurance company, brings you an informative Raya video.

One filled with Ketupat but not in your ordinary square shape.Who knew ketupat could be so many shapes?

Surely thisNenek is legendary.

Maxis Iklan Raya 2019 | Deria Takbir

In Maxis’ Raya ad, it’s all about including everyone.

This ad shows a father and son on Raya morning. If you are one who loves the Takbir Raya, you will definitely tear up.

We can’t say more because we don’t want to give out spoilers.😉

Malaysia Airlines Hari Raya 2019 | Sama-Sama Balik Kampung

Malaysia Airlines this year flies you back home, and give you the chills as they play you the captain’s welcome message when you touchdown in KLIA.

For all those who studied away from home, you can definitely relate to this video of a man who surprises his family by coming back home for Raya.

Tumpang – PLUS Raya Aidilfitri 2019 #IkhlasDaripadaPLUS

Plus Highways definitely brings you on a journey alright.

You have to watch the video to the end to get the meaning of this heartwarming tear-jerking video.

What we learnt from this video is that we should always be grateful to have our own family, whoever they may be.

PETRONAS Raya 2019 – Rendang SoRaya

Last but not least, the most anticipated Raya Ad: Petronas.

With so many other companies making great seasonal videos now, Petronas may be facing some tough competition.

However, this video is not short on emotional moments so get ready to grab more tissues.

We hope you enjoyed the videos and from us at The Rakyat Post, we would like to wish you a Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin to all Malaysians.

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